Shipping & Delivery

How long for shipment?

Delivery Time: Processing Time + Shipping Time

Processing Time: 3-5 days

Standard Shipping:

Order Price < $59, shipping fee $6.99, shipping time: 7-20 working days

Order Price over $59, Free shipping, shipping time: 7-20 working days

Expedited Shipping: $14.99 for each order, shipping time: 4-7 working days



  • The factory will make a production plan within 24hours after you submit the order, so the customized information cannot be changed once submitted, please check your customized information carefully.
  • The shipping time will be affected by public holidays, destination countries(especially shipping addresses outside NA or EU), bad weather and international couriers.


Shipping  area:

Wonderdiyy ships to the following countries at the moment:

The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Japan, Portugal, Denmark.

For shipping to U.S., we do not include, Alaska.


Where is my order?

Once your order is successfully packed for shipment, you will receive an email notification with your tracking number. You can check the tracking information in this site:


Additional Information:

-For delivering successfully, we suggest you leave your correct email box and mobile number during checkout process.

- Unsuccessful delivery caused by blank mobile column cannot be compensated.

- Please keep in mind that our production time can increase depending on the demand.

- The customer is fully responsible for any Duties or Taxes on international shipments


If you have any problem, please contact our customer service department with e-mail: We will reply you within 48 hours in business days and 72 hours in non-business days.